Social Media Marketing is all about interaction. It is about communicating with your coworkers, clients, customers, friends, and family with a click of a mouse. It is a tremendously large hub where individuals meet their own kind of people to share their views and other professional and personal information. Social media has gained a considerably high amount of momentum over the last few years. Social media is expanding and is getting larger by the day.
Social Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are helping people meet and share their ideas, but these are not the only networking tools available, anything that helps connect people is a part of the social world. Some of the well known stats of the social media are:
- Facebook now has nearly three billion actively monthly users world wide
- Over half a billion tweets on Twitter each day
- Linked in is being used by over 700 Million professionals worldwide
- 900 Million users log on to Facebook on a daily basis
These statistics simply cannot be ignored.
How is your social media strategy evolving? Are you using all potential avenues to represent you, your brand or services? Take an inventory of your current social media strategy and contact us. There are likely many untapped areas to explore.
Our service levels range from basic analysis and recommendation to full-fledged management of all your social media outlets. Take the opportunity now to grow your social media presence online.